10 Year Anniversary

June 29, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Good Afternoon Everyone!


I just want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all my past and current clients! This summer marks the 10 Year Anniversary of Photography By Karen. I started off with a dream and a film camera and grown into a successful photography business.  It has been a lot of hard work and dedication but all worth it to be able to do this full time. And its all thanks to you! 

I was very lucky to have two younger sisters willing to model for me back when we have to do project for 4-H and FFA for the county fair.  I started with my mom's film camera and dressed up my sisters.  We walked around the farm (thank God my dad had a lot of tractors) and took pictures next to buildings and random things.  I remember my mother telling me after she developed them that I should really think about being a photographer, and this was at the age of 14.  Now Im using my sister's baby to model for me! Its funny how time flies and things change. 

As my sisters go older I had them model for me when I started the business 10 years ago.  But I was very blessed to have two friends of mine let me take their senior photos our senior year. Took those photos with the old Canon Film Camera and traveled everywhere to find some amazing spots for photos.  

remember my first wedding on a film camera and changing the roll every 24 shots, I would never go imagine going from that to taking a photo every second on a wedding day and walking away with over 5,000 to go through and edit.  I was so scared at my first wedding, now I can't wait til my clients wedding days. Weddings have become a favorite of mine to photograph.  Capturing a loving couples special day and freezing it in time is an honor.

Back when I first got this all started I was taking maybe 5 seniors a summer and a few child/family shoots now I take 2-3 sessions a day and 1-2 weddings a month during the slow season and 4 a month during the summer. I am so blessed to have a great client base and wonderful clients that spread the word of the business. 

I am also very blessed to photograph some seniors and then their weddings and now their babies.  Love it!

Each session and client has meant so much to me and I have created a lot of wonderful friendships and memories for myself and for my clients over the last 10 years. It actually makes me tear up a little thinking about how much you all mean to me. I try really hard to make every session unique and fun for each client. I know that my photography style and work has changed/grown over the years and I am willing to keep growing and learning for all of you!


No words can express how grateful I am for all of you! Heres to 10 years and more of great friendships, photos and smiles!





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